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gagagigo5 05-20-2010 04:32 PM

2003 Camry Le: Problems with lights and twitching.
Hey everybody, I'm new here, and this is my first post.
As the title states, I have a few problems with the car, which I need to fix asap.

Two days ago, I went too fast on a curve, and then I hit the side of my car. (going 30 on a 10mph curve... yes I know that was stupid, don't ask :()
When I parked to check it out, I hit my top right wheel pretty hard, but everything else seemed fine. The car is still driveable, but whenever the car is moving, I get this twitch on the steering wheel. It does not happen when it's parked or stopped, but whenever the wheels are moving, the steering wheel jerks to the left, and then right constantly.
I asked many questions and researched carefully and it may seem as if I messed up my control arm, or just the wheel. I'm not exactly too sure which though. If the car is going slow, however, the steering wheel doesn't twitch as much. But, if the car is going faster, the harder the steering wheel would twitch. My friends suggested if I change the wheel, it may not twitch anymore. But if it doesn't, then it may be my alignment or control arm, which requires maintenance.

Another problem that I'm facing, is that the lights to my speedometer, rpm, and gas meter won't turn on. It didn't happen when I hit the car, but about 8 or so hours later. I had to guess how fast I was going at night time, because the lights wouldn't turn on. My headlights/taillights work fine, the car starts fine, and my music works fine as well so it's not a battery problem. I believe it may be a fuse problem? But if it was that, wouldn't my music be busted as well?

Thanks for reading and helping me out. It'd be a big help if I exactly 100% knew what was going on, and what I could do to fix it. :)

toyomoho 05-20-2010 05:34 PM

Rotate the steering wheel until it is in centered (as if going straight ahead). Look at the front of the car and determine if both tires are pointing in the same direction. If the steering arm is bent the tire may not be pointing forward.

If the control arm is bent the tire may be at an odd angle compared to the other side.

One quick way to check for a bent rim (after hitting the curb) is to replace it with the spare tire and determine if the problem goes away).

You can also check the wheel by:

Engage the emergency brake, place blocks on the rear tires (to prevent the car from moving).

Place the trans in Neutral then raise the tire that hit the curve off the ground.

Rotate the tire by hand and watch for side to side wobbling to check for a bent rim.

You can inspect the suspension including the steering arm by removing the tire. If you don't know what your looking for remove the tire on the other side then compare how things look.

Do this ASAP or take the car to a shop. It could have been seriously damaged enough to effect safety.

gagagigo5 05-22-2010 06:10 PM

Thank you very much, however there is still a problem.
I changed the tire with another one, and the twitching is still there..
I doubt it was the wheel since it still twitches. Is there something else that may be wrong with it? Thanks!

toyomoho 05-22-2010 08:16 PM

If the problem was not there before the incident then something may have been bent. You need to remove the tire and look at the various suspension components.

If possible remove both front tires then you can compare how one side looks with the other. The following parts may have been damaged: steering arm that attaches to the knuckle the wheel mounts to, lower suspension, lower suspension arm attach points on the car frame, hub that the wheel mounts on, steering rack inside the rack and pinion housing. Sometimes a bad outer CV joint can cause vibration problems.

If all the other dash lights work (check which ones respond to the dimmer) the issue may be a loose circuit connection.

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