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ewong1002 01-09-2009 06:05 AM

Problems with 1987 Camry
I have a 1987 Camry
132,000 miles

When I gas it, the car doesn't want to go and makes hissing noises from the engine compartment to the inside of the car. It sounds like there is air leaking or gas. It is almost to empty and I only got 150miles for a full tank and usually get 240 miles for a full tank. I took off my short ram intake and put back on the stock one and it still makes that noise. I gas it almost all the way and it doesn't want to go anywhere. On the Freeway, i smell something burning.

pedro 01-09-2009 07:12 AM

RE: Problems with 1987 Camry
Does it idle and start ok? When in park and you give it gas does it rev up ok?

ewong1002 01-10-2009 02:53 AM

RE: Problems with 1987 Camry
It starts and idles ok and when in park, it rev up ok but sounds different. Its supposed to sound louder.
Today when i started the car and looked at the engine, i see some smoke coming out of (the red circled area).
It also has some kind of leaking noise.

pedro 01-10-2009 06:28 AM

RE: Problems with 1987 Camry
The injectors are behind the valve cover (your circle in picture). Sound probably vacuum leak. Could be that an o-ring that seals an injector in the rail is leaking. Using a length of hose to your ear can help pinpoint a vacuum leak. I'd also check for fuel leak at fuel rail. Car is old but miles not bad for 87. Fuel pressure could also be problem, but that is hard to check without proper test tool.

ewong1002 01-10-2009 12:47 PM

RE: Problems with 1987 Camry
i'll get it checked today.

Thank you.

ewong1002 01-11-2009 03:38 AM

RE: Problems with 1987 Camry
Had the car checked today and the mechanics think its the cat converter thats blocking all the air flow because my cat was rattling.
They unplugged the o2 sensor then drove it and said it drove normal. They didnt know which cat it was cause ihave one cat below the headers and one cat below the car on the piping. I looked at the cat near the header and saw that it was cracked inside so I took out all the pieces from inside the cat. It still drove the same with the same leaking noise. I checked all the hoses and the hose was off. That was where the leaking noise was coming from(hoses connect these 2). after connecting the hose, It still drives the same like it doesnt want to move. when i gas it halfway, its supposed to be going 40mph but it only goes 20mph.

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