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GHD Carry Case Organic Dandruff Hair Care Products

Old 11-28-2012, 09:49 PM
sonafish's Avatar
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Default GHD Carry Case Organic Dandruff Hair Care Products

Dandruff is one of the most common dermatological issues. To learn how to treat it, it is recommended to learn how it is caused. While the body naturally sheds skin cells as they die and become obsolete, not everyone has a dandruff problem. A lot of dermatologists feel that the excess loss of dead skin cells can be attributed to a type of fungus that exists on everyones skin but generally does not cause any issues. For people with excessive dandruff, it is believed that this fungus is more plentiful. GHD IV Mini Styler more possible reason for dandruff problems is hair care products. Special hair care products, even organic hair care products may use active ingredients that irritate the scalp. Cosmetic hair care products, such as hairspray, mousse, gel, or dye may further irritate an already existing dandruff problem or even cause dandruff because of scalp irritation.

Yet another key factor in dandruff problems is water quality. Water that is too hard or too soft may contribute to excess dandruff. Water that is too soft may actually rob the hair of the important minerals it must have, whereas hard water has too many minerals that cling to the strands and the scalp. The most problematic minerals in excess are calcium and silica. Both minerals tend to build up on the scalp, producing excess flakes and even potentially clogging the hair follicles. In order to cure dandruff,ghd straightener there are an array of choices ranging from prescriptions to home remedies. It is better (not to mention cheapest) to begin with home remedies. Two of the most well-known home remedies are table salt and apple cider vinegar. With table salt, simply rub a generous amount of it through the hair before taking a shower and then wash the hair as normal. For apple cider vinegar, mix one quarter of a cup of vinegar in with three quarters of a cup of water and rub the scalp with it. This aids to break down the dead skin cells and the oils that cause dandruff. Then, rinse the vinegar out with lukewarm water (but rinse it well, or the vinegar smell will stay). Additional home remedies include lemon juice (which may affect hair color), mouthwash, tea tree oil, or even just using a different brand of regular shampoo each day.

In addition, there are also unique shampoos made to cure dandruff. Many dandruff treatments/solutions use one of the following active ingredients: ketoconazole, zinc pyrithione, selenium sulfide, salicylic acid, coal tar extract, or sulfur. These have all helped to lessen dandruff in some people, but in others they may make it worse. A rule of thumb for using dandruff treatments/solutions is that if one does not work, just test another. And if the home remedies do not work, and the store-bought shampoos do not work, it is possible to consult a doctor and receive a prescription dandruff shampoo.
Old 08-01-2013, 06:49 AM
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Default How To Get Rid Of Dandruff

Its a secret tip my mother gave me when i was a teen and was suffering from dandruff. I was so embarrassed to go out with my friends or wear dark color dress coz it was more visible then. I couldn't control myself from scratching my head in public. To add on i had dry and dead hair with split-ends and its all because of that dandruff. I tried all medicated shampoos. They worked also but only till the time i used them. Once i stop using them dandruff use to come back. That's when my mother suggested me to use aloe vera. We had aloe vera plant in our garden and she took out gel from that plant and applied it on my scalp daily. To my surprise it worked. I just few days my dandruff was all gone and i had soft and shining hair too. Though it took some time but it was worth waiting. I didnt have to spend a single penny and my problem was cured. She also told me other benefits of aloe vera. We can use it on our skin. It cure acne and other skin problem too. It makes skin look healthy and glowing. And its juice is good gfor health as it cures many health problems. Now aloe Vera has become an important part of my life. I decided to start a bolg on that so that i can spread knowledge on the benefits of this miraculous plant. Hope you all like it. For more info on how to get rid of dandruff and the other benefits of aloe vera, please visit

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